eBay Analytics

More than 170 million people buy from sellers on eBay each quarter. But with tens of thousands of product categories on offer, how do you know what will sell? Will your offer and pricing be attractive enough to achieve sales? This is where analysing eBay data can help. 

ShelfTrend is the eBay analytics tool that over 35,000 sellers have chosen to guide them in growing and protecting their eBay sales.

What Is eBay Analytics?

eBay captures data regarding the products being sold on their marketplaces and provides it to us here at ShelfTrend. The rich data includes product information, pricing, seller details, quantity sold, quantity in stock and eBay search rank, amongst others. This can be analysed to provide insights into product performance, pricing, threats and to find niche opportunities.

Why Is eBay Analytics Important?

eBay is both full of opportunity and a fiercely competitive marketplace. Knowing the market, what buyers are purchasing and the movement of competitors enables you to make informed, competitive decisions regarding your growth and defence strategies. You don’t need to fly blind when selling on eBay.

Why Businesses Choose ShelfTrend For eBay Analytics

ShelfTrend takes eBay’s data and makes sense of it for you. We don’t make up estimates, but instead provide real data in a suite of reports that focus on answering specific business questions.

ShelfTrend’s reports can be filtered, sorted and drilled into. Data is presented in tables and charts and can be downloaded into a spreadsheet. So whether you are comfortable with numbers or prefer visual representations, we have you covered.

 You can use ShelfTrend’s reports to:

  • Discover an untapped niche with proven sales.

  • Watch competitors and get to know their selling strategies.

  • Troubleshoot business issues by checking yourself against others selling in the same space.

  • Get to know your online buyer and their product preferences. 

  • Determine how to price your products.

  • Respond to new threats before they impact your search rank and sales.

  • Monitor your eBay search rank.  

With ShelfTrend, there is no need to base decisions on gut-feel. Using ShelfTrend to research the eBay marketplace enables you to understand more about what buyers want, how much they’re willing to pay, who your competitors are, and the general movement of the industry. Make better decisions with ShelfTrend.